Ron had this dream last night and it was so vivid that it woke him about 6:00 AM this morning. It's not often that he remembers his dreams, but this one he did. I wonder if any of you ever have dreams that you analyze and what you think of this one.
Ron said,
I was lying on the bed with plates of food being placed on my (down my chest), and putting money down as well to keep it for them and they’d come back later and get it.
Then, I was going somewhere and ended up in a country or city I didn’t recognize; didn’t know where I was. There were a lot of people walking around; I kept asking where I was and they didn’t answer or they didn’t know. I had money in my wallet but it was odd denominations ($25 bill; $35 bill) that I wanted to change to the local currency; I wanted to call you (Teresa) and tell you where I was. I wanted you to help me figure out how to get home
When I picked up my cell phone and looked at the screen, it showed low battery and SEL. I finally found someone in a building that had a lot of different doors in it. I came to an area that looked like an information center. Went to the counter and asked the man if he could exchange my cash for something that would work there. He asked for my ID and when I showed him my driver's license – punched some information into a machine and it came back with Ron Williams had been killed.
I was startled and said “what?” he said “it says here that Ron Williams has been killed. And then, I woke up.
To top that off, today during a television show we were watching, the preacher (a Christian rabbi) talked about dreams. He said to not try to immediately figure out what the dream meant. He said to (instead) write it down and try to figure the meaning later after you've had a chance to think about it.
Ron and I talked about it today and part of what we've come up with is that we've got a lot on our plate and no matter what we do, we've not had the correct amount of money for the task at hand. We know that we're not going to Washington so I know the money has nothing to do with that.
I did come across a cheaper place to live yesterday that we're going to look into. This is on the same street as Amy and Rex (at the other end; they're in the 700 block and this is in the 500 block) and is the smaller half of a two-unit building (a duplex). It has been available before and I asked Rex if he knew what they rented for. He said he'd heard they rented for close to $1,000 per month. That was not a good number so I shelved it. It's available again and I called on it yesterday. It's only $675 per month! $450 deposit and one year lease agreement. It has two bedrooms and 1 3/4 bathrooms (the 3/4 bath is tiny - but it is an extra toilet and shower!). The kitchen is totally awesome and is something out of a magazine (the owner is a cabinet builder so it's truly custom!). The main bathroom is very big and Ron can get in and out of it easier than the tiny bathroom we have now. The main thing we'd lose by leaving the Villa is .... well, I can't really find much that we'd lose. Our current rent is $1630 per month (it goes down to $1330 in May) so we'd save a minimum of $655 per month (counting from May forward; March and April it would be nearly $1,000 savings).
The owner pays water and takes care of all outside work - mowing, snow removal, etc. He put in a water softener and takes care of the salt for it because he wants a certain grade salt. He's a bit particular but also very nice. I think he'd make sure the repairs that might need to happen actually happen.
I was upfront with him and how we got to where we are and said I'd never stiffed anyone in my life. He wants the whole $450 right away; I have $150 and told him I could give him the other in two weeks. He wasn't thrilled but said he'd see. He's got one other person interested and the first person who gives him the money will get the duplex. So... holding my breath to see if I can come up with the $450 first. LOL!
I don't know what the dream had to do with the conversation we had regarding moving, but Ron knows that if something happens to him I have 30 days to move. Not many places around for $675 that are this clean and convenient. He honestly thinks that we need to go ahead and get our assets (such as they are) separated and to look into him moving into the assisted living side of things. I don't think he needs assisted living. I'm not sure what he needs but I don't think that he's at that stage yet.
If we can get this duplex we'd be moving about the time that we would have gone to WA. Amy had said that she had a very strong feeling that I was not supposed to go to WA then. So, what to do, what to do...
Any thoughts?
That is a huge savings in rent. Huge! And you would be closer to family. But, you need to make this decision .......
I hope that you will be moving into that place very soon! Praying for good things to come.
That is a wonderful saving each month, and will help a lot, I'm sure. I'm with Amy that you were not really meant to go on that trip. It certainly all seems to be falling into place. I really do hope and pray that youu will get this new place, especially with the bigger bathroom for Ron, and the lovely kitchen for you!! Do keep us informed.
That's a huge savings.
I hope it works out that you can move there.
What a great opportunity to be so close to Amy that Isaiah will be able to walk to Crampa's house - and how nice that it's all wheelchair accessible (because obviously you wouldn't move somewhere that Ron wouldn't be able to get around). It's very nice of the landlord to offer to add grab bars or whatever else is needed to make things easier for Ron. The kitchen looks great and very functional for Ron. Can't wait to see it in person (when I come help you move - and I've had plenty of time to rest since your last move since it will have been almost a year by the time you move).
Although the move to the Villa was a good move for you guys at the time (and it got you closer to Amy), they do charge way too much for the level of assistance you get there and it's so little. How nice will it be to have a place to actually put a dining table without having to have it in your already too small living room?
Hopefully that guy will rent the place to you now that the rest of the deposit has been procured. This move is obviously a "no brainer" ~ heehee Love you.
Ron is very concerned for your well being because he's 1) a man and 2) knows his health is going to continue to deteriorate. I think he just wants to make sure that if something happens to him he will not be worried about your being tossed out from where you are now. That's my guess on his dream. If this place is better and cheaper then I say it's definitely worth moving again as much as that is a pain. We have to do what we have to do don't we? Plenty of people who haven't been in our shoes can say what they want. Do what's right for you. Hugs.
It would be fantastic to pay less rent, crossing fingers for you...
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