Ron is doing OK. He fell (again) a couple of weeks ago and messed up both legs. His leg socket didn't fully engage in the prosthesis so when he went to take a step, it came out and he fell flat on his face. Luckily, there was a someone very close who had been cleaning the floors and this person was able to get the nursing staff. His left calf looks pretty bad - all banged up and healing very slowly. His "short leg" has an abrasion right on the end where it rests in the socket so he's not allowed to walk until it's healed. He's being smarter about calling for help when he's in a tight spot and not sure of his capabilities. He doesn't want to fall again.
I was able to get him DVR capabilities so he has a bit more control over his television. It's an extra $27 per month, so I had to find that in the budget somewhere. I downgraded his phone ($10 savings per month) and downgraded my data package for my phone ($20 savings per month). I'll have to watch my usage very closely to make sure I don't go over, but I was usually using only about 0.95 GB per month and I had a 3 GB package. If I see I'm close, I can add another GB for $10.
I also bought him a mini-fridge for his room and thought he could use it for items that he doesn't get as part of his care - such as soda and some light snacks. No, he wants soda, but he also wants fresh fruit, cheese sticks, etc. He asked me to buy him some cherries, strawberries, grapes, etc. I told him I didn't buy MYSELF these items because of the expense and did he really want to dip into "my" grocery budget when he can get fruit there? He said it's not usually fresh fruit, so I said I'd get him a couple of apples and pears (LOL - they were going to come out of my fridge as I'd just bought myself 2 apples, 2 pears, and 2 oranges, but he can't peel oranges). He said that would be great.
The next day - and I do mean the next day - he goes to Wal-Mart with the group and calls me all frantic that he needs me to transfer some money to his checking account. He had $45 in the bank but "somehow" he'd spent $104. So, I transferred $100 and asked him what he bought that was so much money. SEVEN shirts (cause his were stained - which is what happens when you have Parkinson's and shake your food out of your hands) and FRUIT! And, cheese. And, a 24-pack of soda. Sheesh! For someone who didn't want to get into my grocery budget, he did a mighty fine job of it. Lucky for him, I haven't been to the store yet for me and I had a bit extra $$ in the bank (payday isn't until NEXT week). Then he had the nerve to ask me if I was still going to bring him some pears since he didn't buy any. Um... NO!
I'm working on doing some paper projects. Last weekend, I went to a birthday party for a friend and made her a few things as a surprise. I made all the flowers, too.

This week, I'm working on stuff for a little girl's tea party-themed birthday. She'll be six and is having a "Fancy Nancy" type of birthday party. I've got tea cups and saucers, spoons, a tea bag dispenser and holder, and I'll have a teapot - all made from patterned paper. I've also got little purses for each of the girls. It should be cute. I have tea-themed invitations, as well. When it's all done, I'm going to take some pictures to share.
That's all for now. Have a wonderful week and God bless!