Tuesday, November 24, 2015

My New Normal and a Contest (of sorts)

It's now been 20 months since Ron passed died. (Why is it so hard to write "died" in a sentence? I wanted to say "left me" but that implies he's still out there somewhere, just not with me. Is "died" such a harsh word that I don't want to say it, or because I don't want others to think I'm heartless to say "died" instead of "passed"? No matter what I say, it doesn't change the fact that he's been gone from this earth for nearly two years.) It's hard to believe that he's been gone this long, and other times I feel like it's been much longer. I still miss him and cherish the memories that we created, but I'm ready to move on (mostly - some days are definite "why me" days and I jealously want him back).

I was thinking the other day how glad I am that Ron isn't here to see the condition of the world. He had such a compassionate heart and he would physically hurt for others. Knowing about the senseless acts of terrorism, he would have been heartbroken and wondered how he could help.  (And, the cowardice on the part of the attackers would have him steaming - because what kind of men attack defenseless individuals? Real men don't attack unarmed and defenseless individuals. Period.)  Ron had such a big heart for others that he (literally) would give the coat off his back, gloves off his hands, and the scarf around his neck to someone else if he saw a need.

Since I haven't worked full-time in nearly a year, I don't have a lot of money. But, I woke up this morning in a warm bed, with my warm blanket tucked in around me. When I turned on the faucet in my sink, clean water came pouring out. In the kitchen, I flipped on my coffee maker and enjoyed a cup of coffee (my breakfast of choice). I enjoyed my coffee in the living room (relaxing on my sofa) while I watched the news on the television. Since my environment was a little chilly, I turned up the thermostat and my furnace kicked on, warming my space. So, I may not have a LOT when compared to some, but I have TONS more than others. Like Ron, I've always tried to take care of the needs of others and when I'm aware of something, I do my best to look for a solution. My grandchildren may not get much from me this year, but they all have parents who dearly love them and who are financially able to provide nice gifts for them. What I give is just extras, anyway and I'm not even always sure they know something came from me.

I've been wracking my brain trying to think of a way I could help someone, somewhere, and make a difference for that person. Ron would want to do something, too. With that in mind, I decided I'd like to offer a sort of contest... Like I said, I don't have a lot of money but I'd like to see what someone would do, and what someone could do, to help someone else using $50. I'd like for you to share this with anyone you know who would be willing to let me know what they'd do with the money and how it would benefit someone else. I will choose a winner by December 15. The winner will also get a monetary reward to be used any way he/she feels.

Post comments below or send responses to tgw2@cox.net (actually, I'd like to see here and in my email so I have everything in one place). This contest is open to all ages in the Continental US. I will need a valid mailing address to mail the reward to. It will be in the form of a Visa gift card.


Anonymous said...

I love your thankful attitude. And I suspect your grandchildren appreciate the time you can spend with them more than things you might buy them.
In the spirit of your contest, I'll offer up this nugget:
There is a family in our school district, the father works construction and the season has ground to a halt, which means little pay. The mother is down at Children's Hospital full-time with their child who has cancer. The remaining 3 children are home alone. Teachers and parents in the district have a meal rotation started, today I learned they have no working clothes dryer and need activities/little toys for the younger siblings home alone after school while dad is trying to find other jobs and mom is with the sick one.
I'd donate the lot to them.

And what a great memory for Ron's sake.

Unknown said...

I haven't gotten to my new normal yet. Seems like when I start to be okay another storm comes. I know why I say passed away instead of died because it seems harsh and cold to say died as an ending.....and passed just makes its softer some how like that just changed gears or passed to the next journey. Nothing is like loosing my son.....not loosing Tony......not my grandma, uncle, cousin or mom. I just can't shake it...the feeling of being cheated.....cheated out of his wedding, and grand kids and time with him and more two hour phone calls. I don't need money right now...Tony is still providing for his kids even though he is gone......of course that will change in a few short years, but for now money is not my issue. I do have a friend she is a single mom, and has been for some time. She works hard, but I am sure Christmas will be a struggle. She is who I would give it to, but anonymously...who ever gets it should be anonymously so that they can have a taste of hope and the true meaning of Christmas....giving.

kate said...

Ian's school is full of children who cannot afford warm socks to cover their little feet. I cannot imagine a better way to spend $50 but to give socks, a necessity, for kids who would otherwise go without. Cold weather is coming and warm feet is something no child should worry about.

Unknown said...

I would buy coats for the daycares coat drive. They are going to needy kids in our area. - Amy

Whimsical Willow & Co. said...

The boys had such a good time shopping off of the angel tree yesterday, but their generosity was severely limited by my budget. I would love to take them shopping again and give them each $25 to spend. It is so important to teach them that no matter how little or how much you have, it's so important to give to others.

Teresa said...

Thank you all for your entries. I had a couple on my Facebook page and ultimately selected the one that will provide non-perishable food for children during the Christmas break. I wish I had enough $$ to send you all $50 because I feel they're all deserving. My son will be selecting a 2nd winner on Thursday and he will send that person $50 as well. God bless and Merry Christmas.