Aren't they just the cutest?

Kaitlyn is a very easy-going baby and when she warms up to you, she's all smiles. She got to go see her GiGi (my mom - great-grandma) on Sunday. GiGi was just totally impressed with how beautiful she is. Actually, my mom thinks both kids are just beautiful with gorgeous complexion and beautiful eyes. I totally agree.

The haircut... Jenny was in the hospital the week of Christmas and her parents were here visiting from Taiwan. While she was watching the kids, grandma Tina decided that Kaitlyn's hair was in her eyes, so she cut it. I was so surprised to see that her hair was missing. I guess grandma didn't realize she could put the hair up in a bow or clip. Oh well... the nice thing about hair is that it does grow back (usually). Here she is with bangs (not a good picture because it was with my web cam).

They will head back home on Sunday, the 10th. It is nice visiting and I love having them around, but we are old farts and don't like the clutter. I can get used to it to have my family around but I do enjoy having things in their place and not worry about small hands moving things they shouldn't have. Yesterday, Alexander knocked Ron's closet door off the track. I'm not sure it can be fixed. LOL - my son just about can't afford his visit here. So far, he's broken the shower door and will have to pay to have it fixed (about $100) and now his son has pulled the closet door off. In Alexander's defense, it was loose and Ron had damaged it one time by hitting it when he fell. The door saved Ron from hitting the floor hard, but it did sustain some damage to the track. Alexander just finished the job. If we can't fix it again, we'll have to get a new door and a new track. Oh well... The price of love.
You can't put a price on it, right?
What beautiful children!! I love to see mine come, but I know what you mean about the clutter. Have to remove things that you would normalyy leave out, too. Love to see them come and have similar feelings when they leave!
I just spent two weeks with my grandson - and it was heaven. But it was their house and not mine - somewhat easier to take. :-)
Very cute kids - just adorable!
Just adorable kiddies! Kaitlyn has the most beautiful eyes!
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