It's been three weeks. Three very long weeks. I can't say I'm doing great but I am coping. There is just so much to deal with that it's very hard.
If losing Ron wasn't enough, I have to deal with the insurance problems. Medical bills that should have been taken care of months ago are still hanging over my head (thanks to Medicare ineptness, they haven't). I have borderline anxiety attacks more days than not. I'm sleeping OK thanks to nighttime pain reliever but I wake up feeling very sluggish. I'd like some real sleep that restful and restorative. Soon...
I woke up with a migraine this morning so I'm moving very slowly. I need to get around and get out the door to work. I took three days bereavement leave (all most companies offer) and then four days of vacation. I don't have any more time that I could take or I would not have gone back to work as quickly as I did. Some days are harder than others and I'm glad that I've been busy at work, but I have had some trouble concentrating some days. I'm sure it will get better and I hope it is SOON!
Hallo Teresa. My heart aches for you. I know that you and Ron had such a good relationship. We all know that Ron is now at peace but that doesn't make things any easier for you. It is such early days. I will continue to pray for you my friend. Hugs and take care.
Oh Teresea...I have the biggest fttest tears in my eyes...I am sooo sorry! It does indeed sound like a rotten day. I imagine you will have lots of really hard days for quite awhile. I will put you at the top of my prayer list dear friend!
Sometime when you are feeling up to it would you ever email me your address to
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