Sunday, May 22, 2011

49, no 48, no 49, no 48

Trying to figure this out... When I look on my Dashboard, it shows 49 followers - which is awesome and I welcome my new friends. Thank you for stopping by and sticking around. I hope that what you read is interesting enough to bring you back.

Back to the topic... the Dashboard shows 49, but the blog shows 48. When I click the "followers" link on my Dashboard, it shows 49 until I scroll through all of the followers and the number changes from 49 back to 48. I'm thinking that means that I have one person out there who is following anonymously. Does that make sense? They're in the overall count, but because I can't see who it is, it drops the count off when I'm looking at the followers.

Now, are you as confused as I am or could you follow this convoluted train of thought???

No matter... Just curious.

So, if you're out there anonymously - howdy and won't you come out of hiding so I can say 'hello' properly...


Donna B. said...

I'm glad you brought this up T...does anyone know the answer for sure? I too have 77 on my DTPOOL dashboard, but the blog says 75. What's the deal? I thought maybe three followers left...

I am curious too...

Lyndylou said...

I think this means that they are definitely following you anonymously and not because they are going to leave nasty comments but probably because they just like it better that way. Who knows :)

BB said...

It does mean anonymous followers. I've got 4 of them. Hope they are rich and famous and will take pity on me and send me lots of $$.

Southhamsdarling said...

I agree with Bouncin'Barb - it does mean anonymous followers - aren't you the lucky one!! LOL!

not displayed said...

I was trying to work this out myself. Then i gave up and just figured it was one of the mysterys of blog world

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

They are definitely following you anonymously but why on earth would someone want to do that. If you choose to follow someone then why not let them know you are following them. Maybe it is someone you know but don't like and that is why they are anonymous.

Nancy said...

The whole follower thing is a mystery.

Anonymous said...

I'm confused by followers, too. I try not to take it personally;)