What constitutes 'super' hero status anyway? Wonder Woman ranks up there. Loved those bracelets she could deflect bullets with. Every girl needs a set of those.
Photo copyright 2005 Warner Bros. Entertainment |
Another super hero is The Bionic Woman. Why??? Because (being deaf in my right ear) I'd like to have her capability to hear a whisper a mile away. I seriously wouldn't want to be able to do that, but to hear again out of that ear would be nice. If I could hear, my balance might not be crap and I might not put as many bruises on my poor legs and arms.
Now, I also wanted to be Agent 99, the much smarter half of the Get Smart sleuths. She was always so nice to Max and never let him know that she saved his butt on more than one occasion.

That was really true love and dedication.
But, my truly most favorite super hero is my mother. She worked outside the home and managed to raise seven kids (of course, my dad contributed to that too) who are all educated and contributing members of society. She demonstrated what true love was, and is, and what "for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health" meant. She nursed my dad and was his constant companion through many illnesses and still misses him, five years after his death.
Mom and Dad with Isaiah the summer after his 1st birthday
Isaiah wanting Grandpa's glasses case put in "his" pocket - except he didn't have a pocket.
I know that my mom really misses my dad and is counting the days until she sees him again. Isaiah was the first of the great-grandkids and the only one that my dad got to see.
Wonder Woman would be my favorite. C'mon - who wouldn't want a metal bra like that?!
I think your mother is a wonderful super hero! definitely a great role model! I'm glad that your dad got to see one of his great-grands before he passed. I think the best of heroes are the ones that don't wear "fancy" outfits and have super powers, but live their lives with dignity, grace and compassion. I'm thinking your mom fit in that category.
I can't hear in my right ear either. Whispering, loud rooms, background noise of any kind, television shows that have bad sound so that you have to turn it up way too loud, people who mumble, and the list goes on.
You mom sounds like the perfect super hero to me.
Your Mom, most definitely!
What a great tribute and lovely pictures.
[Having seen Linda Carter in action/person I can't look at Wonder Woman the same again. Let's just say I was not impressed with Linda's [ahem] demeanor. She ruined that character for me.]
And as a side note - do you think betty would lend me her oh'so adorable doggie. heehee
This is so sweet...your mom IS a hero. How wonderful. And as for your comment on my blog...thank you from the bottom of my heart. So glad to make a new bloggy friend!
You have the best super heroes!
What a beautiful tribute to your parents. Thanks for sharing it.
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