Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Still hanging at the hospital

We thought Ron was going home today but it doesn't appear that this will be the case.

He had an oximetry test overnight to monitor his oxygen level and it's low enough that we're going to have to have oxygen for him at night when he sleeps. That's not a problem. No one smokes at our house so no biggie. Just have to figure out who the provider is going to be and get it ordered.

His heart rate dropped overnight and then he also had some down times during the day today. I know the nurse was in here twice today to check him because the telemetry monitor informed them that his heart rate was dangerously low. At one point I think it went to about 40, which causes a bit of concern. Dr. Francisco ordered an echo cardiogram this morning but we don't know the results of it yet. He told Ron to make an appointment for next week. I don't know if he's aware of the other episodes of the heart rate changing or not.

Dr. Truong was also in this afternoon. He doesn't believe that Ron needs any bone marrow testing and seems to think his anemia and platelet count is a direct result of the kidney disease. He did order a scan of his spleen to make sure it's not holding any infection there that we should be concerned about. He had some blood work drawn also. So far, no scan yet but the blood has been drawn.

The nephrologist was also in and said that things on his end were looking good. He doesn't expect that Ron will need to be here kidney-wise for any longer. He also told us that if Ron gains more than 2 pounds in one day to call his office. If so, then his kidneys are struggling again.

Physical therapy was here for an evaluation and watched him transfer from the bed to the chair. She brought him a band for exercising his arms.

We're still trying to get an over-the-bed trapeze set up for him but not sure if insurance will approve it or not. He's got a durable medical equipment cap per year of $1,000 and I have no idea how much those cost. If we don't get it then I don't think it's any big deal. We've managed without up until now, so we can continue to manage without it.

The only hangup now is Dr. Alvarado not being here yet and the spleen scan not being completed yet. At 6:40 pm, I don't expect that to happen so I'm confident that it will be tomorrow before Ron goes home. That's OK with me. I want to be sure that all the bases are covered before he's sent home.

The social workers who are coordinating his discharge and home health were a bit discouraged that Dr. Alvarado had not been here before they left for the day. Oh well... there is always tomorrow.

The central line and catheter were both pulled today and there haven't been any problems, which is a good thing.

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